
Advanced Anti-phishing Techniques to Implement During COVID-19  

Padlock icon on computer monitor. light blue padlock symbol on blue and red with white binary text moving motion. protection against hacker illegal breach and cyber attack.

Phishing attacks are not just difficult to detect but they are difficult to be prevented using normal cybersecurity techniques. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the online landscape so much that malware attacks have risen manifolds. Surprisingly, there are still many ways that can increase the cybersecurity of an organization, but not many people are aware of how those tactics work. 

Considering the kinds of thefts that the online market has seen, many annual security fests are planning to offer a practical demo of how phishing occurs and how a single infected system can affect an entire organization. One such conference that’ll be held between from May 3-6, 2021 is the PSA TEC conference

Such conferences will focus on educating the employees about phishing using mock attacks. When employees see how advanced phishing takes place, they are able to understand and learn better. 

Other than that, some advanced techniques that you must follow in the immediate future as an organization to protect your company’s assets have been listed below. 

  1. Securing Remote Working Devices Using VPN

Securing remote working devices is very important since employees working from home might not have as safe a router as you have in the office campus. A VPN is what’s necessary in such cases. 

VPN means a Virtual Private Network. Every work device is first scanned by the VPN before the information in the device can be accessed by the user. Only when the tools in the VPN find the system to be free of security loopholes that the user is allowed to access the company’s data. Following this technique every time an employee seeks permission to access the information is, thus, a wonderful technique to safeguard the remote devices as well as you may. 

  1. Implementing the MFA Technique

Every work device has always been recommended to have a unique login password. What you can do for extra protection is use the MFA technique. 

The first wall between the information in the system and the internet is still the backdoor password, but the system is protected in MFA with 3 or more security layers that have to be cleared after the password is cleared. In other words, at least 4 security doors – including the password – have to be unlocked before the information can be accessed. The best thing about MFA is that it allows using biometrics as security layers too. 

  1. Arranging Cybersecurity Sessions

In the end, a safer work infrastructure always comes down to employees. Hence, making them aware of tricks that can help in foiling malware attacks and data theft is important. 

Some of the best things that your employees can do at their end include the following. 

  • Debugging the system. 
  • Patching the home router.
  • Using antivirus and firewalls. 
  • Installing software updates. 
  • Restricting the use of work systems for work purposes only. 

To sum up, the cybersecurity from online threat actors require the contribution of employees as much as the efforts taken on the part of the organization. 

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